This year, we are celebrating our 50th birthday! Anglican Financial Care was established on 26th April 1972 and was then known as The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board. From mortgages for members, to pensions and welfare assistance for Anglican clergy, and the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, we are blessed to be making a difference for our members for 50 years.
We’re calling it 50 years of serving. Throughout the year we will be telling stories of our organisation and how we have served our members in the last 50 years. Keep checking our website for the latest stories from our members and from our history. If you want to be kept up-to-date with our latest stories click the subscribe button below.
The photo in the 50 years of serving banner above is of the Board in Wellington on March 1992. The members of the photo are (from left): Merv Gaskin, Peter Mirams, Maureen Ellis (Board Secretary), Rev’d Harry Hicks, Rev’d Bill Otter, The Ven. Steward Edwards, Byron Higgins, Helen Almond, Rt Rev’d Peter Atkins, Ted Harrall, Colin Baker and Don Baskerville.